Investigator Resources

Lead Investigators of current and completed LDRD projects will find guidance and resources for successful project management in this section. Links to related websites with additional information relevant to Lead Investigators and anyone interested in the SLAC LDRD program are also provided.

Compliance & Deliverables

SLAC requires that all approved LDRD projects undergo a NEPA review to ensure that projects take action to protect, restore and enhance the environment.

A NEPA review is accomplished by the LDRD lead scientist or designate by completing the Environmental Compliance Checklist (ECC) available from the ES&H website.

The ECC covers:

  • Who, Where and What

  • Potential environmental impact, and details of the impact

  • Sustainable practice

  • Waste minimization, and details of waste minimization and disposal

  • Name of lead scientist or designate who has evaluated the checklist


The ECC is submitted to the ES&H NEPA Program Manager for review and approval. LDRD projects cannot be funded until the ECC is reviewed, approved. It may be necessary to obtain further approval from the DOE which the LDRD Program Manager will manage.

After submission the NEPA Program Manager will review the material, ask questions and determine what further actions must be taken. In most cases there exists a Categorical Exclusion (CX) based on the nature of the work activity for the project which can be applied to the ECC to gain approval to proceed. CXs are described on the ES&H website.

Office based research can be approved by the NEPA Program Manager without DOE approval. Approval status and records can be found on the NEPA Compliance SharePoint Site.

Approval can take anywhere from one week to one month.

Lead Investigators are required to submit 2 project reports each fiscal year. Report templates for the current fiscal year are distributed by LDRD program administration. Please see the LDRD Annual Calendar for key reporting dates.

Mid-Year Project Report

Mid-year reports provide updates on project status, any mid-year re-direction that requires project re-planning and budget modifications, and an explanation of any project re-plan.

Annual Project Report

Annual reports provide a fiscal year-end description of completed and planned project work. This report consists of a brief overview of the project, a summary of research and development efforts, and outcomes and results to date.

To comply with the Department of Energy reporting requirements, a funding acknowledgement statement must be used in publications or other technical reports where results from the LDRD project are presented. A statement for Lead Investigators and a statement for LDRD-funded Panofsky Fellows are below.

If you have any questions about acknowledgements, such as how to navigate LDRD acknowledgement in a co-written publication, please contact

For Lead Investigators:

"[Investigator] and [specific scope of LDRD-supported work] were supported by the Department of Energy, Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515."

For Panofsky Fellows:

"[Investigator] and [specific scope of LDRD-supported work] were supported by the Department of Energy, Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 and as part of the Panofsky Fellowship awarded to [investigator]."

A mandatory survey to capture updates and further accomplishments from completed projects is issued to Lead Investigators each year, up to 5 years after project completion. This information helps SLAC communicate LDRD program success to stakeholders and the greater science community.